Statistics & Research about Fort Myers,FL - Bb&T-Oswald & Trippe

Here are some statistics & research about Fort Myers,FL an area served by Bb&T-Oswald & Trippe

Phone : 239-433-4535

Real estate research for area nearby Bb&T-Oswald & Trippe

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cape Coral 152,700 1027 8.1
McGregor 227,700 988 5.2
Golden Gate 146,500 948 7.8
Fort Myers 145,000 881 7.3
Olga 181,500 1152 7.6
Cleveland 74,600 902 14.5
Pine Manor 68,000 659 11.6
Matlacha 338,500 901 3.2
Fort Myers Beach 385,400 793 2.5
Captiva 256,300 2001 9.4

Number of old houses in places near by Bb&T-Oswald & Trippe

Place name Number of old houses
Cape Coral 78600
McGregor 149000
Fort Myers 160200
Fort Myers Beach 260400
Tice 153100
Punta Gorda 267000

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Bb&T-Oswald & Trippe

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Cape Coral 2440
McGregor 138
Golden Gate 427
Fort Myers 12238
Olga 5
Cleveland 25
Pine Manor 209
Matlacha 166
Fort Myers Beach 1397
Captiva 143
Tice 208
Estero 1575
Punta Gorda 934
Sanibel Island 756
Villas 697

Number of blacks in places near by Bb&T-Oswald & Trippe

Place name Number of blacks
Cape Coral 5661
McGregor 157
Golden Gate 4421
Fort Myers 22875
Olga 154
Pine Manor 540
Fort Myers Beach 40
Captiva 13
Tice 440
Estero 251
Punta Gorda 1315
Sanibel Island 72
Villas 399

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Bb&T-Oswald & Trippe

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Cape Coral 168800
McGregor 365600
Golden Gate 182400
Fort Myers 178600
Olga 97600
Cleveland 68400
Matlacha 289300
Fort Myers Beach 476000
Captiva 460000
Tice 95700
Estero 227200
Punta Gorda 237600
Sanibel Island 762700
Villas 132000