Statistics & Research about Deerfield Beach,FL - Boca Bay Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Deerfield Beach,FL an area served by Boca Bay Insurance Agency

Phone : 954-427-5656

Car dealers nearby Boca Bay Insurance Agency

Auto Salon

Deerfield Beach,FL
Phone: (954) 650-9500

Real estate research for area nearby Boca Bay Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cooper City 304,200 1756 6.9
Manalapan 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Sunrise 157,000 1255 9.6
North Miami Beach 167,100 991 7.1
Kenwood Estates 122,100 1024 10.1
Pine Air 119,600 1050 10.5
Plantation 164,500 1182 8.6
Pompano Beach 160,700 1027 7.7
San Castle 102,300 1031 12.1
Franklin Park 87,200 831 11.4

Number of vacant houses in places near by Boca Bay Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Cooper City 400
Manalapan 208
Sunrise 5087
North Miami Beach 2948
Pine Air 71
Plantation 16933
Pompano Beach 17228
San Castle 243
Franklin Park 109
Wellington 4155
Royal Palm Estates 69
Golden Beach 158
Lake Belvedere Estates 236
Ocean Ridge 652

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Boca Bay Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Cooper City 2871
Manalapan 50
Sunrise 3321
North Miami Beach 1064
Kenwood Estates 45
Pine Air 63
Plantation 12942
Pompano Beach 2776
San Castle 84
Franklin Park 7
Wellington 6526
Royal Palm Estates 37
Golden Beach 142
Lake Belvedere Estates 279
Ocean Ridge 185

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Boca Bay Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Cooper City 286500
Manalapan 1000001
Sunrise 162800
North Miami Beach 99400
Kenwood Estates 179900
Plantation 177000
Pompano Beach 119600
San Castle 97600
Franklin Park 148200
Wellington 266300
Royal Palm Estates 76800
Golden Beach 1000001
Lake Belvedere Estates 154800
Ocean Ridge 850000

Number of blacks in places near by Boca Bay Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Cooper City 1727
Sunrise 28575
North Miami Beach 18947
Kenwood Estates 132
Pine Air 213
Plantation 101757
Pompano Beach 28588
San Castle 1320
Franklin Park 1125
Wellington 7262
Royal Palm Estates 569
Lake Belvedere Estates 832