Statistics & Research about Royal Palm Beach,FL - Connect Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Royal Palm Beach,FL an area served by Connect Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 561-433-2215

Car dealers nearby Connect Insurance Agency Inc

Royal Palm Nissan

Royal Palm Beach,FL
Phone: 5615020363

Real estate research for area nearby Connect Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Jupiter Island 1000001 NA NA
Lake Clarke Shores 278,300 1375 5.9
Wellington 295,600 1491 6.1
Jupiter Farms 310,400 1762 6.8
Boca Raton 353,100 1406 4.8
Mangonia Park 113,500 967 10.2
Delray Beach 206,000 1274 7.4
Lakewood Gardens 151,000 1010 8.0
Jupiter 283,800 1343 5.7

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Connect Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Jupiter Island 169
Lake Clarke Shores 326
Wellington 6526
Jupiter Farms 1128
Boca Raton 9280
Mangonia Park 15
Delray Beach 2603
Lakewood Gardens 18
Jupiter 5371
Golf 39
Atlantis 238
Ocean Ridge 185
Limestone Creek 37
Glen Ridge 18

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Connect Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Jupiter Island 154
Wellington 2677
Jupiter Farms 210
Boca Raton 2921
Delray Beach 686
Jupiter 1510
Golf 17
Atlantis 53
Ocean Ridge 21

Number of blacks in places near by Connect Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Jupiter Island 28
Lake Clarke Shores 154
Wellington 7262
Jupiter Farms 389
Boca Raton 5368
Mangonia Park 1270
Delray Beach 15696
Lakewood Gardens 189
Jupiter 1601
Stacey Street 145
Atlantis 4
Limestone Creek 610

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Connect Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Jupiter Island 1000001
Wellington 372400
Jupiter Farms 382100
Boca Raton 855500
Delray Beach 323100
Jupiter 380300
Golf 937500
Atlantis 429200
Ocean Ridge 1000001
Limestone Creek 169100