Statistics & Research about Port Charlotte,FL - Gregoire Family Ins Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Port Charlotte,FL an area served by Gregoire Family Ins Inc

Phone : (941) 889-7836

Car dealers nearby Gregoire Family Ins Inc

Charlotte Rv Service Center

Port Charlotte,FL
Phone: (877) 883-5555

Real estate research for area nearby Gregoire Family Ins Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Grove City 121,900 642 6.3
Nokomis 112,400 690 7.4
St. James City 223,900 745 4.0
Laurel 226,300 969 5.1
Venice 176,400 971 6.6
Solana 175,500 942 6.4
Venice Gardens 165,300 1063 7.7
DeSoto County 98,400 705 8.6
Pineland 238200 NA NA
Pine Island 235,900 807 4.1

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Gregoire Family Ins Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Grove City 243
Nokomis 170
St. James City 212
Laurel 233
Venice 3189
Solana 12
Venice Gardens 64
DeSoto County 1982
Pineland 17
Pine Island 741
Charlotte Harbor 625
Bokeelia 199
Punta Gorda 934
Suncoast Estates 170
Charlotte County 4985

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Gregoire Family Ins Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Grove City 96900
Nokomis 90300
St. James City 149500
Laurel 221900
Venice 161400
Venice Gardens 153000
DeSoto County 93000
Pine Island 191300
Charlotte Harbor 99500
Bokeelia 233700
Punta Gorda 167400
Suncoast Estates 26200
Charlotte County 96100

Number of new houses in places near by Gregoire Family Ins Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Venice 1000001
DeSoto County 82900
Charlotte County 283300

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Gregoire Family Ins Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Grove City 25
Nokomis 83
St. James City 116
Laurel 242
Venice 1702
Venice Gardens 127
DeSoto County 863
Pineland 24
Pine Island 347
Charlotte Harbor 111
Bokeelia 142
Punta Gorda 1301
Suncoast Estates 107
Charlotte County 6193