Statistics & Research about Bonita Springs,FL - J-K South Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bonita Springs,FL an area served by J-K South Insurance Inc

Phone : 239-481-1466

Real estate research for area nearby J-K South Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pine Manor 68,000 659 11.6
Three Oaks 174,500 1454 10.0
Tice 63,100 762 14.5
Bonita Springs 222,100 1041 5.6
Olga 181,500 1152 7.6
Lely 219,600 1335 7.3
Buckingham 250,600 589 2.8
St. James City 223,900 745 4.0
Charleston Park 73800 NA NA
Lely Resort 443,500 938 2.5

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by J-K South Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Pine Manor 265300
Three Oaks 131300
Tice 13700
Bonita Springs 147600
Olga 180000
Lely 232000
Buckingham 301300
St. James City 188100
Naples Manor 87100
Fort Myers Shores 170100
Golden Gate 143100
Punta Rassa 340000
Iona 155900

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by J-K South Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Three Oaks 189000
Tice 98800
Bonita Springs 288200
Olga 156300
Lely 428600
Buckingham 251800
St. James City 298000
Lely Resort 506900
Naples Manor 150500
Fort Myers Shores 311800
Golden Gate 158000
Punta Rassa 605800
Iona 289800

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by J-K South Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Tice 59800
Bonita Springs 109600
Olga 568200
Lely 265600
Buckingham 205000
St. James City 149500
Naples Manor 9999
Fort Myers Shores 121800
Golden Gate 121300
Punta Rassa 421900
Iona 128200

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by J-K South Insurance Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Pine Manor 18
Three Oaks 279
Tice 95
Bonita Springs 5505
Olga 123
Lely 99
Buckingham 278
St. James City 116
Charleston Park 39
Lely Resort 306
Naples Manor 202
Fort Myers Shores 783
Golden Gate 486
Punta Rassa 77
Iona 647