Statistics & Research about Port St. Lucie,FL - John Hackney Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Port St. Lucie,FL an area served by John Hackney Agency Inc

1648 Se Blvd Port St. Lucie
Port St. Lucie,FL

Real estate research for area nearby John Hackney Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Rio 156,500 785 6.0
Western Community 259,000 1603 7.4
Fort Pierce South 85,200 786 11.1
Indiantown 90,400 929 12.3
St. Lucie Village 291,400 916 3.8
White City 204,300 1008 5.9
Tequesta 271,800 1381 6.1
St. Lucie County 135,500 1016 9.0
North River Shores 233,600 884 4.5
Hutchinson Island South 250,200 1445 6.9

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by John Hackney Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Fort Pierce South 85700
Indiantown 144200
St. Lucie Village 350000
White City 103700
Tequesta 256300
St. Lucie County 88300
North River Shores 465400
Sewalls Point 483300
South Beach 1000001
Port Salerno-Hobe Sound 152000
River Park 107100
Hutchinson Island 84500

Number of new houses in places near by John Hackney Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
St. Lucie County 177700

Number of blacks in places near by John Hackney Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Rio 40
Western Community 4303
Fort Pierce South 1506
Indiantown 858
White City 227
Tequesta 38
St. Lucie County 52361
North River Shores 343
Sewalls Point 16
Port Salerno-Hobe Sound 2635
River Park 269
Hutchinson Island 115

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by John Hackney Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Rio 13
Western Community 3558
Fort Pierce South 136
Indiantown 205
St. Lucie Village 37
White City 249
Tequesta 379
St. Lucie County 15890
North River Shores 134
Hutchinson Island South 85
Sewalls Point 341
South Beach 546
Port Salerno-Hobe Sound 3360
River Park 226
Hutchinson Island 225