Statistics & Research about Estero,FL - Lane Ins Group Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Estero,FL an area served by Lane Ins Group Llc

Phone : 239-947-7474

Car dealers nearby Lane Ins Group Llc

Coconut Point Ford

Phone: (239) 498-3673

Real estate research for area nearby Lane Ins Group Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Fort Myers Shores 178,000 883 6.0
Cypress Lake 126,600 1020 9.7
Sanibel Island 628,600 1347 2.6
Fort Myers 145,000 881 7.3
Matlacha Isles-Matlacha Shores 260400 NA NA
Immokalee 208,100 734 4.2
North Fort Myers 79,700 718 10.8
Whiskey Creek 189,400 1117 7.1
Fort Denaud 205,200 639 3.7
Verona Walk 298,300 1593 6.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Lane Ins Group Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Fort Myers Shores 2245
Cypress Lake 5105
Sanibel Island 4393
Fort Myers 45121
Matlacha Isles-Matlacha Shores 104
Immokalee 5883
North Fort Myers 18254
Whiskey Creek 1160
Fort Denaud 177
Verona Walk 579
Fort Myers Beach 6191
Cape Coral 21941
Olga 88
Gateway 774

Number of whites in places near by Lane Ins Group Llc

Place name Number of whites
Fort Myers Shores 11063
Cypress Lake 10796
Sanibel Island 6670
Fort Myers 110422
Matlacha Isles-Matlacha Shores 360
Immokalee 37236
North Fort Myers 38024
Whiskey Creek 4617
Fort Denaud 1167
Verona Walk 1755
Fort Myers Beach 6335
Cape Coral 154870
Orangetree 4421
Olga 1558
Gateway 7166

Number of vacant houses in places near by Lane Ins Group Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Fort Myers Shores 2124
Cypress Lake 3207
Sanibel Island 6513
Fort Myers 32904
Immokalee 6482
North Fort Myers 9421
Whiskey Creek 564
Fort Denaud 361
Verona Walk 479
Fort Myers Beach 6517
Cape Coral 25031
Orangetree 174
Olga 235
Gateway 1094

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Lane Ins Group Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Fort Myers Shores 64
Cypress Lake 9
Sanibel Island 215
Fort Myers 734
Matlacha Isles-Matlacha Shores 8
Immokalee 366
North Fort Myers 91
Whiskey Creek 46
Verona Walk 31
Fort Myers Beach 36
Cape Coral 683
Orangetree 223
Gateway 321