Statistics & Research about Pompano Beach,FL - Main Street Group Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Pompano Beach,FL an area served by Main Street Group Insurance Inc

Phone : 954-782-0411

Car dealers nearby Main Street Group Insurance Inc

Vista Bmw/Vw

Pompano Beach,FL
Phone: 888-578-8451
url: http://vistabmwpompano.commm5merchant.mvc

Lou Bachrodt Chevrolet, Inc.

Pompano Beach,FL
Phone: (954) 971-3000

Real estate research for area nearby Main Street Group Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
West Little River 150,500 814 6.5
Pine Air 119,600 1050 10.5
Delray Beach 206,000 1274 7.4
Parkland 522,600 2001 4.6
Kenwood Estates 122,100 1024 10.1
Tamarac 133,900 1154 10.3
Highland Beach 522,800 2001 4.6
Coral Springs 284,000 1310 5.5
Lantana 154,400 987 7.7
Greenacres 125,100 1147 11.0

Number of whites in places near by Main Street Group Insurance Inc

Place name Number of whites
West Little River 13806
Pine Air 1773
Delray Beach 40892
Parkland 20284
Kenwood Estates 752
Tamarac 41381
Highland Beach 3555
Coral Springs 88068
Lantana 7173
Greenacres 26875
Southwest Ranches 6136
Pompano Beach 71024
Miramar-Pembroke Pines 155918
Broward County 1123976
Lazy Lake 23

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Main Street Group Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
West Little River 215
Delray Beach 686
Parkland 2854
Tamarac 99
Highland Beach 51
Coral Springs 2988
Lantana 93
Greenacres 416
Southwest Ranches 338
Pompano Beach 452
Miramar-Pembroke Pines 5127
Broward County 25343
Lazy Lake 1

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Main Street Group Insurance Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
West Little River 4136
Pine Air 206
Delray Beach 10032
Parkland 1690
Kenwood Estates 73
Tamarac 6551
Highland Beach 813
Coral Springs 14550
Lantana 1596
Greenacres 5207
Southwest Ranches 1004
Pompano Beach 12667
Miramar-Pembroke Pines 40020
Broward County 235431
Lazy Lake 4

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Main Street Group Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
West Little River 120900
Delray Beach 291000
Parkland 474500
Tamarac 138900
Highland Beach 774000
Coral Springs 332400
Lantana 265400
Greenacres 180100
Southwest Ranches 590000
Pompano Beach 176100
Miramar-Pembroke Pines 270600
Broward County 280900