Statistics & Research about Boynton Beach,FL - Oyer Macoviak And Associates

Here are some statistics & research about Boynton Beach,FL an area served by Oyer Macoviak And Associates

Phone : 561-732-9305

Real estate research for area nearby Oyer Macoviak And Associates

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Sea Ranch Lakes 753,800 2001 3.2
Plantation 164,500 1182 8.6
Palm Beach 859,000 1230 1.7
Boulevard Gardens 129,900 725 6.7
Oakland Park 160,200 1056 7.9
Cloud Lake 178,600 675 4.5
Coconut Creek 154,300 1337 10.4
Franklin Park 87,200 831 11.4
South Palm Beach 231,300 1500 7.8
North Palm Beach 249,700 1104 5.3

Number of vacant houses in places near by Oyer Macoviak And Associates

Place name Number of vacant houses
Sea Ranch Lakes 65
Plantation 16933
Palm Beach 4746
Boulevard Gardens 102
Oakland Park 2923
Cloud Lake 10
Coconut Creek 4247
Franklin Park 109
South Palm Beach 877
North Palm Beach 2110
Boca Raton 16395
West Palm Beach 21234
Juno Ridge 86
Tamarac 4768

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Oyer Macoviak And Associates

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Sea Ranch Lakes 1000001
Plantation 197200
Palm Beach 1000001
Oakland Park 186900
Coconut Creek 249200
North Palm Beach 674700
Boca Raton 855500
West Palm Beach 196600
Tamarac 147300

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Oyer Macoviak And Associates

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Sea Ranch Lakes 57
Plantation 2099
Palm Beach 682
Boulevard Gardens 55
Oakland Park 22
Coconut Creek 344
North Palm Beach 94
Boca Raton 2921
West Palm Beach 1708
Tamarac 99

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Oyer Macoviak And Associates

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Sea Ranch Lakes 820700
Plantation 167600
Palm Beach 614000
Boulevard Gardens 113900
Oakland Park 168600
Coconut Creek 215000
South Palm Beach 202200
North Palm Beach 236900
Boca Raton 319500
West Palm Beach 130200
Tamarac 137000