Statistics & Research about Hallandale Beach,FL - Riemer Ins Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Hallandale Beach,FL an area served by Riemer Ins Group Inc

Phone : 305-662-6000

Real estate research for area nearby Riemer Ins Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Weston 390,700 1846 5.7
Cooper City 304,200 1756 6.9
Pembroke Park 57,900 1056 21.9
Oakland Park 160,200 1056 7.9
Westchester 253,100 1170 5.5
Opa-locka 118,600 752 7.6
Country Club 168,300 1163 8.3
Hillsboro Pines 250000 NA NA
Fort Lauderdale 207,600 1051 6.1
Olympia Heights 284,100 1477 6.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Riemer Ins Group Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Weston 5058
Cooper City 1288
Pembroke Park 2347
Oakland Park 10043
Westchester 2079
Opa-locka 2191
Country Club 6765
Hillsboro Pines 18
Fort Lauderdale 65337
Olympia Heights 535
North Miami Beach 6017
Pinewood 1916
Country Walk 624
Margate 11243
Golden Glades 3767

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Riemer Ins Group Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Weston 243100
Cooper City 286500
Pembroke Park 67000
Oakland Park 114900
Westchester 252800
Opa-locka 151900
Country Club 175800
Fort Lauderdale 161200
Olympia Heights 417700
North Miami Beach 99400
Pinewood 176000
Country Walk 226300
Margate 128700
Golden Glades 208200

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Riemer Ins Group Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Weston 3384
Cooper City 720
Oakland Park 22
Westchester 191
Opa-locka 65
Country Club 189
Fort Lauderdale 2268
Olympia Heights 145
North Miami Beach 155
Pinewood 59
Country Walk 227
Margate 33
Golden Glades 253

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Riemer Ins Group Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Weston 422700
Cooper City 521000
Pembroke Park 164600
Oakland Park 186900
Opa-locka 94200
Country Club 145100
Fort Lauderdale 333000
Olympia Heights 433000
North Miami Beach 181600
Pinewood 95000
Country Walk 289700
Margate 128400
Golden Glades 284600