Statistics & Research about Tequesta,FL - Tequesta Insurance Advisors

Here are some statistics & research about Tequesta,FL an area served by Tequesta Insurance Advisors

218 S US HIGHWAY 1 STE 300
Phone : (561) 746-4546

Real estate research for area nearby Tequesta Insurance Advisors

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lake Park 157,100 1057 8.1
Plantation Mobile Home Park 109,200 1139 12.5
South Palm Beach 231,300 1500 7.8
Seminole Manor 77,100 640 10.0
Cloud Lake 178,600 675 4.5
Jensen Beach 194,800 892 5.5
Hutchinson Island 245,800 1289 6.3
Juno Ridge 157,100 878 6.7
Haverhill 167,900 977 7.0
Royal Palm Estates 107,500 1054 11.8

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Tequesta Insurance Advisors

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Lake Park 368
Plantation Mobile Home Park 33
South Palm Beach 454
Cloud Lake 15
Jensen Beach 609
Hutchinson Island 2547
Juno Ridge 163
Haverhill 31
Royal Palm Estates 65
Stacey Street 32
Palm Beach Gardens 1461
Lakewood Gardens 46
Royal Palm Beach-West Jupiter 2130
Atlantis 11

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Tequesta Insurance Advisors

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Lake Park 312
Plantation Mobile Home Park 13
Seminole Manor 183
Cloud Lake 3
Jensen Beach 608
Hutchinson Island 225
Haverhill 96
Royal Palm Estates 37
Palm Beach Gardens 4036
Lakewood Gardens 18
Royal Palm Beach-West Jupiter 7808
Atlantis 238

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Tequesta Insurance Advisors

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Lake Park 159400
Plantation Mobile Home Park 134600
South Palm Beach 202200
Seminole Manor 152100
Jensen Beach 121600
Hutchinson Island 84500
Haverhill 155400
Royal Palm Estates 69700
Palm Beach Gardens 195000
Royal Palm Beach-West Jupiter 161700
Atlantis 283300

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Tequesta Insurance Advisors

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Lake Park 135400
South Palm Beach 235700
Seminole Manor 34100
Jensen Beach 294400
Hutchinson Island 240300
Haverhill 145800
Palm Beach Gardens 351000
Royal Palm Beach-West Jupiter 280200
Atlantis 426900