Statistics & Research about Palm Beach Gardens,FL - The Plastridge Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Palm Beach Gardens,FL an area served by The Plastridge Agency Inc

Phone : 561-630-4955

Real estate research for area nearby The Plastridge Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Riviera Beach 218,100 1123 6.2
Kenwood Estates 122,100 1024 10.1
Boynton Beach-Delray Beach 185,100 1209 7.8
Mangonia Park 113,500 967 10.2
South Palm Beach 231,300 1500 7.8
Cabana Colony 155,200 1195 9.2
Lake Belvedere Estates 167,500 1474 10.6
Port Salerno 159,800 892 6.7
Westgate 116,400 987 10.2
Royal Palm Estates 107,500 1054 11.8

Number of whites in places near by The Plastridge Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Riviera Beach 62930
Kenwood Estates 752
Boynton Beach-Delray Beach 234573
Mangonia Park 388
South Palm Beach 1022
Cabana Colony 1935
Lake Belvedere Estates 1914
Port Salerno 8549
Westgate 3906
Royal Palm Estates 2069
Western Community 23646
Golf 291
Royal Palm Beach 23398
Palm Beach 8430
Palm Beach County 1009367

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by The Plastridge Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Riviera Beach 1215
Boynton Beach-Delray Beach 3884
Lake Belvedere Estates 56
Port Salerno 37
Westgate 35
Western Community 622
Golf 17
Royal Palm Beach 739
Palm Beach 682
Palm Beach County 22679

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by The Plastridge Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Riviera Beach 6086
Kenwood Estates 45
Boynton Beach-Delray Beach 13268
Mangonia Park 15
Cabana Colony 112
Lake Belvedere Estates 279
Port Salerno 244
Westgate 318
Royal Palm Estates 37
Western Community 3558
Golf 39
Royal Palm Beach 2295
Palm Beach 868
Palm Beach County 74571

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by The Plastridge Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Riviera Beach 19267
Kenwood Estates 73
Boynton Beach-Delray Beach 53166
Mangonia Park 260
South Palm Beach 101
Cabana Colony 582
Lake Belvedere Estates 638
Port Salerno 2040
Westgate 915
Royal Palm Estates 295
Western Community 5880
Golf 64
Royal Palm Beach 6336
Palm Beach 2296
Palm Beach County 223398